Monday 30 April 2012

Option 7; Robotics and Automated Systems

What a topic. Maybe its a guy thing!

The students learn about robotics, types of robots, purpose of robots, use of robots function of robots automated control, sensing devices, actuators and controlling devices.

This is a subject where the Internet and You Tube comes in to play. A great way to engage the students would be to show the variety of robots and how they are used in society and in the future. Everyday we come across sensing devices (traffic lights) and actuators (automatic sliding doors).

Project development on a robotic device would be dependent on the schools resources. Lego would be a terrific system for students to learn with.

Video 1- Robot Soccer. (2012) is a soccer tournament with robotic players. When they fall over they can get back up again by themselves.

Week 9 - Core: Software

The software core topic 7 is so very relevant to not only teachers and students but to society as we are now using more software as technology and hardware devices evolve. The lecture highlighted the types of software (application software, operating systems and utility programs), the types of interfaces (CLI, GUI and NLI - emerging).

Finding resources and demonstrating to students could definitely be achieved by way of video tutorial and Internet examples. I believe the IST text, Information and Software Technology, Grover 2011, provides a clear easy to read explanation of the topics with  good graphics and interesting activities and tasks for a range of learners.

The following You Tube video is a short presentation that is simple to read, follow and understand briefly explaining with graphics and short notes on the various software

Video1. Types of Software. You Tube 2012.

 Software Resources

A number of very useful mostly FREE web sites were presented that will assist in teaching. One of the sites, Gliffy, I have suggested as a resources to assist students design flow charts when designing software programs.

Video 2. How To Build A Website. 2012 - Website creating site, that is ideal for beginners. The video makes it look very simple and professional. 

GoogleSites - Is an ideal site for students to assist co-ordinating group work activities. There are a number of different "sites" that a group can select. There are built in Gantt charts with the software providing a tidy and professional platform for the students. - Is an on line diagramming application that provides examples of charts, flow charts, floor plans that student and teachers can use. - is used widely in primary schools that provides mapping software that can be collaborated with others.

Stop Motion - is a software program to assist with photography and animated films.

Sticky notes - is loaded on Windows & and as the name suggests, you can add a sticky note onto your screen as reminders etc. - is a free lesson delivery system. This looks like a terrific tool to use to set an activity for students with an introduction/welcome and then a list of activities the students can follow and complete. I can allocate parameters to the students with a progress bar showing where they are up to in the activity.


Cameron,L (2012). Lecture 9: Software [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from ACU

Video 1 - Types of Software retrieved from You Tube
Video 2 - How to Build a Website from You Tube

Saturday 21 April 2012

Option 1: Artificial Intelligence, Simulation and Modelling

Artificial Intelligence
Students learn about artificial intelligence (AI), areas of AI and the requirements of AI.
Definition and the historical aspect of AI.
Hardware and software requirements.

Simulation & Modelling
In this area students will define and investigate the purpose of models and simulation. The required hardware, software and various simulators such as flight and driving.
The advantages and any limitations that this area can be used in the environment such as ozone layer, global warming and trial weather forecasting. The use of spreadsheets to assist in model simulation programs.

The opportunity to use and demonstrate simulation (flight and driving) would be engaging for students. I imagine it wouldn't be too difficult to have particularly boys partake in this area. Students who maybe learning to drive could find a driving simulation assisting in their study for learners licence.

                                                              Video 1 - Asimo AI Honda 2012.
ASIMO is an example of artificial intelligence being developed for the future. There are a series to watch that shows what this amazing technology can do.

Top 24 Military Flight Simulator Games- Check out a list of games that can be downloaded and played on your computer.

Reference List
Board of Studies NSW (2003). Information and Software technology years 7-10 Syllabus. Sydney: BOS.

Video 1 - ASIMO Honda (2012) Retrieved from

Week 8 - Option 6 Networking Systems

Networking systems are introduced to students along with file management, users and groups with hands on experiencing setting up servers and the protocols. Students learn about:
  • A communication Network
  • Protocols
  • Data transmission modes, rates and media
  • Types of networks
  • Client server and peer-peer networks
  • Components of a network
  • Security of information
  • Network topologies
  • Network operating systems
  • Factors influencing media transmission
  • Project development
There are many sites and videos that can be used to assist with explaining the topics to be covered.

How Stuff Works - How Home Networking Works
The link illustrates and explains with an interactive house diagram and the different ways a house could be wired for home computer network.

TCP/IP Protocols - Animated video
The animated video assists in explaining the transfer of packets to nodes within the computer system.

Image 1 - Computer Network System. How To Hint 2012

Reference List

Board of Studies NSW (2003). Information and Software Technology Years 7-10 Syllabus. Sydney:BOS

How Stuff Works (2012). How Home Networking Works. Retrieved from

Image 1 - Retrived from

Week 8 - Core Topic 6 "People"

Outcome 5.5.3: A student describes and compares key roles and responsibilities of people in the field of information and software technology.

Students learn about the roles ,responsibilities and career opportunities in IST.

Image 1- Core Topic 6- People.

The students learn about and learn to are outlined in image 1.

It was interesting to note from the lecture that stereotyping is a major issue for students towards the roles and people who undertake further development and employment in the IT industry.  This is where my knowledge and experience having been employed in the finance industry for nearly twenty years I was able to witness first hand the evolving of the IT industry, the importance and varies roles that can be often very well paid. IT is not only for "geeks". The industry is massive with so much variety. I can certainly see myself passing on valuable information to future students about the opportunities available to ALL. As presented in the lecture, research indicates that as many females drop off in interest in IT at school, many senior roles are filled by females who are rewarded with job satisfaction and income. The role of the teacher has an impact on young students who could find the subject boring and unfulfilled because the teacher has shown little enthusiasm. 

The studies presented in the lecture were interesting as they showed the different use of computers by boys and girls, how computers are used (social and gaming) and girls do well in the subject but many not doing the subject.

Three areas that could be used to assist when teaching are:
  • Provide students with a wide variety of computer applications.
  • Have different types of computer projects
  • When assessing, equal credit for design and technical aspects (Cameron 2012)

Digital Storytelling

To assist with students using IT, we were introduced to a tool that can be used by students of all ages being Digital Storytelling. The method allows students to put a very basic video providing the students the ability to engage from a basic level. The medium can be powerful with limited technology required.

People's Stories. This link tells a story about the comfort of a couch and how the author felt about the couch within his life. Very moving.

Houston University site for Digital Storytelling.

Reference List

Board of Studies NSW (2003). Information and Software Technology Years 7-10: Syllabus. Sydney: BOS

Cameron,L. (2012). Lecture 8: People [Power Point slides]. Retrieved from ACU Leo site:

Tuesday 3 April 2012

How "angry birds" makes science tons of fun

Great story I read in today's Daily Telegraph about the head science teacher Alice Leung, recently named winner of the Australian Microsoft Innovative Teacher Award (Daily Telegraph 2012). Story highlights the use of video game technology to assist in class so students have a better understanding of subjects that include "gravitational force"  and Newton's Laws of Motion".
We are being encouraged to use a variety of multi media to assist with students learning.

Have a read of the story. Well done Miss Leung of Merrylands High School.

Monday 2 April 2012

Week 7 Core Topic: Current & Emerging Technologies

Combining week 7 into the week 6 lecture, Current & Emerging Technologies was presented.
Intersting to see about the development of computers. Having completed high school over 20 years ago, my expereince has been first hand just by using and working it out in business. Students though are able to research, investigate and learn.
The emerging technologies are what is really amazing and daunting. I know I need to keep track off and keep on top off as this is my teaching area. I think the benefit I will have is to encourage students to not only show and teach fellow students, but myself as well. I believe this will be a great way to engage with my students.
Gardeners multiple intelligences is an area I must consider with new and emerging technologies and if adopted will enhance learning (Woolfolk & Margetts 2010). For some students to learn about technologies may require a varied approach, I am not just to assume that as a student I presume they know. 

The Horizon Report has been provided  as it is a very good resource that can be used. The report is a think tank of specialised people about technology now, short term and the furture.

Woolfolk, A., & Margetts,K (2010). Educational Psychology (2nd ed.). Frenchs Forest: pearson Australia.

Image. World Technology retrieved from