Tuesday 22 May 2012

ICT in the Classroom

Throughout the semester there have been a number of resources, programs and ideas that I have found would assist me in delivering engaging lessons for students. IST predominantly uses programs and hardware for specific tasks with students undertaking projects with core and option topics (BOS 2003). Following is a list of sites and programs I will use.

Wikis- provide a platform to assist with group work activities, group management.
PB Works   http://www.pbworks.com/ is a site we used for each of the tutorial groups. Within the site each tutorial was divided up and provided easy access to relevant information.
Wikispaces http://www.wikispaces.com/site/signin group work accountability

Interesting Software-

Prezi: http://prezi.com/learn/. Alternative to power point for presentations.
Wordle: http://www.wordle.net/  Allows students to create "word clouds".  
Livebinders: http://www.livebinders.com/ Keeps order, similar to LEO, great for organising.
Symbaloo: http://www.symbalooedu.com/ Bookmarking websites.
Google app sites: http://www.google.com/sites/help/intl/en/overview.html

Scratch:  http://scratch.mit.edu Excellent free site to assist with programing.
Format Factory http://www.formatoz.com/index.html Changing the format
Gliffy: http://www.gliffy.com/products/online diagramming application
Smartboards provide a great tool to interact with the class.
Bubble.us: http://www.bubbl.us.com/ free mapping software
Lesson Lams: http://www.lessonlams.com/ free lesson delivery system.
Free Technology for Teachers http://www.freetech4teachers.com/ free resources site.
Teacher Tube http://www.teachertube.com.au/ schools block You Tube, this is an alternative.
Digital Storytelling http://digitalstorytelling.coe.uh.edu/ a different way for multimedia use
Slowmation http://www.slowmation.com.au/ a narrated animation site with clay and multimedia.
Wix www.wix.com allows students to creat a website easily. http://youtu.be/Cs1XSq-qxmA

Textbook -
Recently released text is Information & Software Technology 2nd Edition, D Grover. I borrowed the text as suggested by Leanne to assist with my assessment and found it invaluable. The text was broken down in core and option topics, easy to read with plenty of activities.

Sources of Information- where I can go for information and .......help
Kahn Academy: http://www.khanacademy.org/ videos for all subjects.
BBC Learning Online: http://www.bbc.co.uk/learning/

Tours / Activities
Power House Museum - great organised tours, they look after everything.
Macquarie ICT Innovations Centre - great for robotics, Eco projects, Virtual Worlds

Webquests - provide a great tool for group work activity for students to explore a topic.

Overhead projectors enable presentations to the class

Monday 21 May 2012

Option Topic: Database Design

The final option topic we were presented was database design by Ryan and Sarah. The syllabus has students developing a database from a scenario. Students will consider the outputs required, with data being entered and manipulated through searches and sorts to generate reports (BOS 2003). Students will learn about database development, collecting, organising and storing data. The methods of processing and analysing data and information, integration and developing a project (BOS).

I find databases very interesting and have relied heavily on databases in my previous business and ongoing association I have with the local football club and high school. A good database allows a business, large or small to operate professionally and assists in the daily operation. Finding a clients contact number or what the clients history is with the company can be available at hand. This will make the customer feel more comfortable knowing that the business cares and values the relationship developed over time. A business or organisation with a poor or no database will find it very difficult to communicate with their clients. This is from my personal experience. 

Students may have background knowledge with a parent or family member having discussed or can provide insight into a database. Background knowledge and connectedness of a student applying a real life context or problem (eg sports club, family business) improves significance to students and quality learning outcomes (DET 2003).

Ryan and Sarahs' class activity reminded me of how many different databases we use daily. Itunes, banking, Google etc are all examples that we just use.  

There are many tutorial videos available on databases, video 1 is the first of a series using Microsoft Access 2007.

Video 1. Database Tutorial. You Tube

As a board member for the local soccer club I am looking at approaching the local high school to discuss the possibility of the students taking on the development and upkeep of a club database. There would be many opportunities for schools in the local area to undertake similar projects that would provide a great assistance to clubs but also to students.


Board of Secondary Education (2003). Information and Software Technology Syllabus Years 7-10. Sydney, NSW: Board of Secondary Education
NSW Department of Education and Training (2003). Quality Teaching In NSW Public Schools. Sydney, NSW: Department of Education and Training.
Database Tutorial Microsoft Access 2007 retried from You Tube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3q4MuRaTz8o

Ethical Issues

Forming part of the Issues option topic, ethical issues has students learning about the code of practise and conduct, privacy and security, inappropriate use including hacking and accuracy, validity and bias of data (BOS 2003).

Following is the link for the CEO Staff Use of Social Media in Sydney Catholic Schools policy document outlining the policy of social media. Most is common sense but with sites such as Facebook becoming extremely prevalent in today's society it is important for guidelines being structured. Policy includes, not having students as "friends", not using Facebook as a learning tool have been included plus having teachers discuss with their own friends the importance what is posted about themselves on the social networking site. 


I believe it is just common sense, but what we do have is new teachers entering the work force in their early twenties having not been careful of what they are saying and posting on Facebook. Just like any other profession, future employers will conduct a search on a candidate with Google and/or Facebook. This can assist with the employer obtaining a picture of the future employee. This could assist the Principal in making  a decision between two candidates.........................and may depend on what they find. This is an area that needs to be taught at school. Students need to be aware and mindful of what comments are made on Facebook that could harm the social support that is being created in the classroom that is free of negative personal comment or put downs (DET 2003).

On Line Communication Services Acceptable Usage for School Students.

This document defines the policy for school students of the NSW Department of Education and Communities for the appropriate and acceptable use of Internet and on line communication services provided by the Department.

Privacy & Security
Terms & Conditions - South Park Video

A very funny and appropriate video from South Park about Reading the Apple Ipad terms and
conditions when downloading an application or program.

Secure passwords are vital. It is important that students are made aware of this importance and follow the procedures. Here is a brief note from Microsoft on what a safe password is:

Create strong passwords

Strong passwords are important protections to help you have safer online transactions.

Keys to password strength: length and complexity

An ideal password is long and has letters, punctuation, symbols, and numbers.
  • Whenever possible, use at least 14 characters or more.
  • The greater the variety of characters in your password, the better.
  • Use the entire keyboard, not just the letters and characters you use or see most often.


Board of Secondary Education (2003). Information and Software Technology Syllabus Years 7-10. Sydney, NSW: Board of Secondary Education
Creating Strong Passwords, retrieved from Microsoft http://www.microsoft.com/en-au/security/online-privacy/passwords-create.aspx
NSW Department of Education and Training (2003). Quality Teaching In NSW Public Schools. Sydney, NSW: Department of Education and Training.

Option Topic: Digital Media

The digital media topic was presented by Andrew & Lyndall, the presentation link follows. http://prezi.com/dgjh19ah2ptv/edst441/

The option has students using two data types to create, produce and design a digital multi media product. Students examine and analyse different digital media products and how they are used (BOS 2003). The syllabus covers the purpose of digital media, types of digital media products, data types, manipulating techniques, digitisation, file size factors, display and distribution and the development of a project. 

Some great examples were provided by Andrew and Lyndall that include digital newspapers, interactive TV, games and e-music. Program examples were photoshop, I Movie and Microsoft. Looking at these examples, it seems to me that these would assist in providing quality teaching to students as the Department of Education and Training 2003 discussion paper covers. Students would be inclusive and connected with activities allowing students to participate and share their work. A project that has students apply, analyse and evaluate promotes higher order thinking and some students can use their background knowledge to assist in the project.   

The following You Tube video demonstrates how a interactive TV works with its audience. Budweiser is offering tickets to the FIFA World Cup, contestants can add their details from their remote control and play a heading game for their chance to enter. All from the comfort of your lounge room chair! 

Video 1. Interactive TV Commercial. You Tube

There are a number of photoshop tutorials available on You Tube that I can use to demonstrate quickly how the program works. Below is one that removes background from a photo of Brad Pitt.

Video 2. Photoshop Tutorial. You Tube.


Board of Secondary Education (2003). Information and Software Technology Syllabus Years 7-10. Sydney, NSW: Board of Secondary Education
NSW Department of Education and Training (2003). Quality Teaching In NSW Public Schools. Sydney, NSW: Department of Education and Training.
Interactive TV Commercial retrieved from You Tube  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAWM6JdnNaQ
Photshop Tutorial retrieved from You Tube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPOGXYJtafw

Option Topic: Authoring and Multimedia

This option topic allows the students to develop a project with the use of three types of  multimedia. The task allows students to develop their skills using authoring software in the development (BOS 2003). Students learn about multimedia projects, data types, authoring software systems and the project development.

James and Graces' presentation used Bushfire Awareness as a topic for the multimedia project. By providing the questions to students to include in their presentation, students are able to utilise the resources to present their multimedia project. This project allows students to learn about design, produce and evaluate a simple project for a real world application.

To assist with developing student direction in a quality learning environment, I could have students decide on their own topic to create a project.

The link below is to the groups Prezi based presentation to our tutorial class.

This video demonstrates Snap, an authorising software that can be used to convert power point presentations to Flash allowing students to access on line and the ability to add voice and quiz's.
Video 1. Authoring Software. You Tube


Authoring Software video retrieved from You Tube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbYCs46ZD2k

Board of Secondary Education (2003). Information and Software Technology Syllabus Years 7-10. Sydney, NSW:Board of Secondary Education.

NSW Department of Education and Training (2003). Quality Teaching In NSW Public Schools. Sydney, NSW: Department of Education and Training.

Option Topic: Internet and Web site Development

In this option topic 5, students study the historical development of the Internet, tools and their uses of the Internet within the area of the World Wide Web (www) and we get students to manipulate tools to design, produce and evaluate a website for a given purpose (BOS 2003).

Looking through the syllabus for this topic, it seems that as teachers we can really get the students involved in an area that they are using first hand everyday and show the students how the Internet and WWW actually works.

Students get to learn about the historical aspects of the Internet, Intranet, uses of the Internet, Internet software, types of protocols, WWW, control access on the web, website development, the features of a website and project development. I think there is the opportunity for some real student engagement and activity within class by using technology available to show and teach students these areas that will assist in developing deep knowledge and understanding. Using Dreamweaver, students are able to develop a web site, having investigated web sites and pages and using this knowledge in the group work project based activity.

An area I found difficult to understand was the various types of protocols and what they do. By watching videos the concept became clearer. Here is an example of a video that could be used.
Video 1. Introduction to TCP/IP. You Tube.

To assist with getting your head around the Internet, WWW, connections, networks, inter-networks, data packets, peering and Internet exchanges this You Tube video of 5 minutes assists.

Video 2. How Does the Internet Work. You Tube.


Board of Secondary Education (2003). Information and Software Technology Syllabus Years 7-10. Sydney, NSW: Board of Secondary Education.

Department of Education & Training (2003). Quality Teaching in NSW Public Schools. Sydney, NSW: Dept Ed & Training Professional Support and Curriculum Directorate.

Introduction to TCP/IP retrieved from You Tube
How Does the Internet Work retrieved from You Tube

Monday 14 May 2012


It's been very interesting throughout various tutorials to learn more about assessing students. The focus as a student myself has been on completing assessments rather than being on the "other side" and actually thinking about setting assessments.

The following link from the Board of Studies is Advice on Programming and Assessment. 
The Principals of Assessment For Learning and assessments aligning with outcomes provides details to teachers on how and what a teacher needs to be thinking when assessing all students. Setting a group assessment for example potentially reduces the marking time for a teacher. Use a blog for an assessment can assist with ensuring that students are on track. Pbworks.com is a blog site we have used for EDFD. Certainly a site that is easy to use and one I can use for my future students.

Group work (3-4 students) is a challenge but is a tool used to assist students. In the right environment and managed correctly, group work provides the opportunity for peer support and the encouragement of peer learning. As the University of Wollongong assessment policy highlights the positives, the negatives include possible conflict, freeloading and even acrimony without ideal conditions. One way to assist is getting the students to discuss and negotiate the group work topic and activity. I think this could be a good way to approach after learning more about the students and maybe from year 9 onwards where a bit more maturity could benefit.

To assist with achieving significance in quality learning outcomes a group work activity provides the opportunity to incorporate cultural knowledge of diverse backgrouds between students within groups (DET 2003).

Board of Studies (2003). Information and Software Technology Years 7-10. Sydney, NSW Board of Studies.

Cameron,L (2012). Lecture 11: Assessment [Power Point]. Retrieved from Australian Catholic University LEO site: http://leo.acu.edu.au/course/view.php?id=4573

NSW Department of Education and Training (2003). Quality Teaching In NSW Public Schools. Sydney, NSW: Department of Education and Training.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Technology In The Workplace

Technology is everywhere, and students are using it before arriving to school, but an excursion to see how technology is used in the work place or tours at institutions would assist students. This weeks lecture provided some ideas that I could use.

Some of the following outcomes in the syllabus would be satisfied:
4.1.1; 4.4.1; & 4.2.2 . By visiting IKEA at Hombush and witnessing the software and hardware set up to manage the warehousing students can see emerging technologies, recognises the use of software and the desiging required (BOS 2003).


IKEA Homebush was suggested as a workplace tour. IKEA's catalogue is the most published book in the world! The web site shows the massive IKEA warehouse overseas. IKEA       http://youtu.be/fcp4MaqUz7M

Powerhouse Museum is ideal as they also have all the paper work sorted out for you. No need for risk assessments etc or working out where to put the students school bags, they cover it all. Tours and work shops can be arranged.  http://www.powerhousemuseum.com/hsc/

Macquarie ICT Innovations Centre not only teach the students but train the teachers. Robotics is big so the center would be ideal to visit if the school doesnt have robotics. 



Board of Studies (2003). Design and Technology Syllabus Years 7-10. Sydney, NSW Board of Studies.

Cameron,L (2012). Lecture 10: Technology in the Workplace [Power Point]. Retrieved from Australian Catholic University LEO site: http://leo.acu.edu.au/course/view.php?id=4573

Option topic 8: Software Development and Programming

Software Development and Programming is a large option topic that I had the privilege to present this week with my group partner Des. The topic to me is difficult, as I am not particularly computer literate person. However after consultation and research I was able to find ways to use resources to assist teaching if I was required to. My aim was to present to the tutorial ways and available resources to teach the topic for follow students who may feel daunted teaching this topic.
The topic is I believe important to students who feel that they may like to pursue the area of computer programming. As the Horizon Report (2012) has detailed in the recent report, Mobile Apps is a revolution in the software development area. There are apps that are developed and being developed to assist students and teachers in learning (Horizon 2012).


To introduce students a terrific FREE web site called SCRATCH, provides a simple to use site for students to create animated programs, games and stories. A "community" exists where fellow teachers and students provide samples and work sheets to assist create the enjoyable activities.

Scratch web site: http://scratch.mit.edu

Video 1. Scratch Tutorial. You Tube

There are a number of tutorials available on You Tube to assist teachers and students learning programming. Some of the sites that can be used to assist with basic programming include:
  • Visual Basic
  • Java Script
  • Python

Text - Information & Software Technology. Grover
The recommended test for IST is the recently released 2nd edition by Grover, Information & Software Technology. The text breaks up in chapters each of the core and option topics, providing simple language, suitable graphics, tasks and engaging activities. I found the text extremely assisting with understanding the topic and provided many ideas for the unit of work I prepared for the assessment.


Grover, D.,2011, Information & Software Technology, Second Edition, Pearson Education Australia.

2012 Higher Education Advisory Board, 2012, NMC Horizon Report: 2012 Higher Education Edition. New Media Consortium, Texas USA.

Web sites