Monday 14 May 2012


It's been very interesting throughout various tutorials to learn more about assessing students. The focus as a student myself has been on completing assessments rather than being on the "other side" and actually thinking about setting assessments.

The following link from the Board of Studies is Advice on Programming and Assessment. 
The Principals of Assessment For Learning and assessments aligning with outcomes provides details to teachers on how and what a teacher needs to be thinking when assessing all students. Setting a group assessment for example potentially reduces the marking time for a teacher. Use a blog for an assessment can assist with ensuring that students are on track. is a blog site we have used for EDFD. Certainly a site that is easy to use and one I can use for my future students.

Group work (3-4 students) is a challenge but is a tool used to assist students. In the right environment and managed correctly, group work provides the opportunity for peer support and the encouragement of peer learning. As the University of Wollongong assessment policy highlights the positives, the negatives include possible conflict, freeloading and even acrimony without ideal conditions. One way to assist is getting the students to discuss and negotiate the group work topic and activity. I think this could be a good way to approach after learning more about the students and maybe from year 9 onwards where a bit more maturity could benefit.

To assist with achieving significance in quality learning outcomes a group work activity provides the opportunity to incorporate cultural knowledge of diverse backgrouds between students within groups (DET 2003).

Board of Studies (2003). Information and Software Technology Years 7-10. Sydney, NSW Board of Studies.

Cameron,L (2012). Lecture 11: Assessment [Power Point]. Retrieved from Australian Catholic University LEO site:

NSW Department of Education and Training (2003). Quality Teaching In NSW Public Schools. Sydney, NSW: Department of Education and Training.

1 comment:

  1. Craig, it's interesting that you mention group work could be used for year 9 up, I think it wouldn't be helpful at my prac placement, not until year 12 in some cases. However, having said that you put forward some great points. The centralisation certainly can involve students in practical ways for utilising multimedia and computing to learn whilst getting an assignment done together. Perhaps social networking could be incorporated too?
