Monday 21 May 2012

Ethical Issues

Forming part of the Issues option topic, ethical issues has students learning about the code of practise and conduct, privacy and security, inappropriate use including hacking and accuracy, validity and bias of data (BOS 2003).

Following is the link for the CEO Staff Use of Social Media in Sydney Catholic Schools policy document outlining the policy of social media. Most is common sense but with sites such as Facebook becoming extremely prevalent in today's society it is important for guidelines being structured. Policy includes, not having students as "friends", not using Facebook as a learning tool have been included plus having teachers discuss with their own friends the importance what is posted about themselves on the social networking site.

I believe it is just common sense, but what we do have is new teachers entering the work force in their early twenties having not been careful of what they are saying and posting on Facebook. Just like any other profession, future employers will conduct a search on a candidate with Google and/or Facebook. This can assist with the employer obtaining a picture of the future employee. This could assist the Principal in making  a decision between two candidates.........................and may depend on what they find. This is an area that needs to be taught at school. Students need to be aware and mindful of what comments are made on Facebook that could harm the social support that is being created in the classroom that is free of negative personal comment or put downs (DET 2003).

On Line Communication Services Acceptable Usage for School Students.

This document defines the policy for school students of the NSW Department of Education and Communities for the appropriate and acceptable use of Internet and on line communication services provided by the Department.

Privacy & Security
Terms & Conditions - South Park Video

A very funny and appropriate video from South Park about Reading the Apple Ipad terms and
conditions when downloading an application or program.

Secure passwords are vital. It is important that students are made aware of this importance and follow the procedures. Here is a brief note from Microsoft on what a safe password is:

Create strong passwords

Strong passwords are important protections to help you have safer online transactions.

Keys to password strength: length and complexity

An ideal password is long and has letters, punctuation, symbols, and numbers.
  • Whenever possible, use at least 14 characters or more.
  • The greater the variety of characters in your password, the better.
  • Use the entire keyboard, not just the letters and characters you use or see most often.


Board of Secondary Education (2003). Information and Software Technology Syllabus Years 7-10. Sydney, NSW: Board of Secondary Education
Creating Strong Passwords, retrieved from Microsoft
NSW Department of Education and Training (2003). Quality Teaching In NSW Public Schools. Sydney, NSW: Department of Education and Training.

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