Monday 21 May 2012

Option Topic: Internet and Web site Development

In this option topic 5, students study the historical development of the Internet, tools and their uses of the Internet within the area of the World Wide Web (www) and we get students to manipulate tools to design, produce and evaluate a website for a given purpose (BOS 2003).

Looking through the syllabus for this topic, it seems that as teachers we can really get the students involved in an area that they are using first hand everyday and show the students how the Internet and WWW actually works.

Students get to learn about the historical aspects of the Internet, Intranet, uses of the Internet, Internet software, types of protocols, WWW, control access on the web, website development, the features of a website and project development. I think there is the opportunity for some real student engagement and activity within class by using technology available to show and teach students these areas that will assist in developing deep knowledge and understanding. Using Dreamweaver, students are able to develop a web site, having investigated web sites and pages and using this knowledge in the group work project based activity.

An area I found difficult to understand was the various types of protocols and what they do. By watching videos the concept became clearer. Here is an example of a video that could be used.
Video 1. Introduction to TCP/IP. You Tube.

To assist with getting your head around the Internet, WWW, connections, networks, inter-networks, data packets, peering and Internet exchanges this You Tube video of 5 minutes assists.

Video 2. How Does the Internet Work. You Tube.


Board of Secondary Education (2003). Information and Software Technology Syllabus Years 7-10. Sydney, NSW: Board of Secondary Education.

Department of Education & Training (2003). Quality Teaching in NSW Public Schools. Sydney, NSW: Dept Ed & Training Professional Support and Curriculum Directorate.

Introduction to TCP/IP retrieved from You Tube
How Does the Internet Work retrieved from You Tube

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