Thursday 29 March 2012

Week 6 - Issues. Legal, Ethical, Social and Industrial

The Legal issues encompasses security and protecting of not only pc's but networks. How important it is to ensure that students are aware of the dangers in starting up with a memory stick in the USB........easy way for a virus to break in and possibly shut down a school network. It has been amazing learning about the importance of security during the the computer minor degree. Other areas to be covered in Legal include Copyright and licencing, Intellectual Property, Legislation that covers anti-discrimination, OHS, safety and Equal Employment Opportunity. Great story covering an investigation into teenagers and "stealing" music off the Internet and comparing it to shoplifting. It is very important that I ensure I download "free" images and not get caught out in a presentation to students by using copyright protected images.

MAC v PC. The first time I used a MAC was in a tutorial about 2 weeks ago. I was completely lost. Yet as Leanne explained, MACS are used predominantly in schools. Something else I need to work on!Piracy - Stealing music

Ethical Issues - It is so easy not to be aware of passwords and the importance. I now I find it so difficult to have so many different passwords and to ensure they are not common. This is an area I will work on with students and to let them know how important that their passwords are protected to prevent "hacking".

Social Issues - technology is changing the way we work and communicate. working from home, lectures on line, video conferencing. Having been in small business I have witnessed first hand the pros and cons with working from home. I can definitely pass on advise to my students . It was interesting to see a link to a site about the Youth Protection Bill in Japan that will prevent children from the age of under 16 staying up past midnight playing video games. Interesting, but why does a government need to step in..............what are the parents doing?

Industrial issues - Here we are teaching students the correct posture to sit at a computer desk, yet the students will not have adjustable chairs.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Week 5 - Hardware (core topic)

My major when graduating will be Technology, with a specialty in wood/metal. The first lessons I have had in computing, being a minor in my area, was actually when I commenced this degree at the age of 40. All my prior knowledge has been through "self taught" as our company evolved with technology. There has been so much to learn, basically from scratch, the benefit though is that I know where my students will be and thinking when they are learing computer topics. However, they would more than likely be ahead of me anyway!

A great insight into hardware. Actually pulling a computer apart and looking at the hardware components makes so much sense. Watching a video on what is inside a PC and what its function.

I am concerned that I could be viewed as the computer expert when I arrive at a school. Some troubleshooting ideas are a great idea that I will certainly keep for furture reference. 

More websites to assist with my teaching. Places I can visit to assist me with information:
I am using this source at the moment to assist me with my Engineering topic.

The Le@rning Federation
This is free when a student at university.

BBC Learning: Online
Good quality teaching material

Lecture week 4

Lecture 4 - ICTE of NSW and Data Handling (core topic)

The ICTENSW met at a conference on the weekend with HSC markers attending. Although a nervouse time for student and parents at HSC time, Leanne explained that as a teacher of years 11 and 12, you are also anxcious to ensure that the HSC paper has what YOU have taught the students. I just presumed that the students were taught everything, but there have been cases where this has not occured. "Follow the syllubus not just the textbook" (Cameron 2012).
Iteresting to hear this as also being aparent with daughters already completing the HSC and I "presumed" they were taught everything.
Great opportunity at these meetings to talk to colleagues and the HSC markers, find out what they are looking for. 

Free sites: Two links I can use. One providing a list of free Google apps that are also useful as teaching aids.

The second is a free site that is similar to Moodle /LEO. Something to look into and concider.

Further sites to assist with me actually learning about topics as well as students. Khan Academy (I have started using for my Engineering topic), TED Talks provide lectures on line. I am learning so much about web sites available "out there". Certainly there are many tools available not only for me but students. Just need to be wary of what the sites are and confirm they are ok.

Core Topic - Data Handling.
The break up of the individual topics areas made it easy to follow and understand. This would be a great way to introduce the topic to the students at the beginning. Many terms seem boring and daunting but by giving an over view with a variety of multi media made the presentation engaging and interseting.

A mapping tool has bee recommend that shows what has been taught and that I would not be repeating or missing an area.

Sunday 18 March 2012

Workshop week 3- Rubrics and Assessment

Workshop 3-

Units of Work in LEO
Lesson Plan Template

Rubrics and Assessment.

By using a rubric in an assessment marking provides a clear outline to studnets what they are being marked on in an assessment and can be "reversed" by providing the opportunity for students to actually mark their own work. It was pointed out that the rubric does need to be clearly set up. I believe this would be a tool to use a bit later when I have more experience under my belt.

Setting up the rubrik is the most difficult part. I can see that by having a rubric it will assist the students in seeing what they actually need to do in an assessment that will be marked. It is easy to think you have completed the required task but not going about the correct way and not receiving the marks.

An interesting idea that was discussed in assisting me to know I have passed the information across to students I could have students write on a post it note "what I was most unclear about.......". I can look at these and then use the information as a review session for the following lesson. What a great idea.

Being very new to software and the computer world there were a number of various web sites/ software reviewed. These will be useful to assist my lessons being more interesting and interactive. 

Rubrics and Assessment

Creating and using rubrics for student assignments

Using classroom assessment techniques to provide feedback

Lecture week 3 - Core subject 1: Projects: Design, Produce & Evaluate

Lecture 3 - Core Subject 1. Projects: Design, Produce & Evaluate

A very informative lecture that provided me with a clearer picture on the Design process. This is a very important area in my field so an area I am learning through my current studies and one I can continue to improve on especially with prac coming up.

The lecture was the introduction to our first core topic. Following are some points taken during the lecture that I found interesting.
* very funny video from the Two Ronnies on jargon. Great clip I can use and refer to.
* Slide 6 - cartoon of 4 picture depicting the design process, what was made and what the customer actually wanted. How true this is, it captures what can and does happen. I have witnessed this in business first hand.
* Students start to think outside the square. Some student will excel. The first solution is not always the one.......look at others.
*Concept Maps - the use of post it notes on butchers paper was a great idea to work through the design process and using this as a tool.
*The evaluation criteria is very important and provides large marks for senior students.
* Project Management - Milestones: is a good way to assist with keeping students on track. As a teacher I can use this tool to see how the student is progressing.
* Timelines will assist me in seeing if the student is falling behind.
*Group work - interesting point on how employers are encouraged by employees who can work in groups.
* Group management - the use of a wiki can assist a group by keeping in contact when away from school. It provides a clear indication on who is doing what. As a teacher I can see who is doing the most/least work



Workshop week 2 - Resources

Workshop 2 - Resources
The workshop explored a number of various web sites that I can use for better interaction. The more sites I find out about the better and will certainly assist me. I am conscience of being a "dinosaur" when it comes to computer use and using as a tool to assit. However I see the benefits and enjoy finding out about the ideas. The interaction helps me when I am in tutorial. This new knowledge will only assist me to improve my future students.

You Tube at school:
We are encouraged to use a variety of media sources when we teach, however most schools will have the It set up so that You Tube will be prevented. To assist, if I download a video, save it onto Teachertube, then we can watch in the lesson. be sure I check the video prior, especially ads etc.

Creative Commons Australia: A web site that provides legitimate images.

Jamendo - site that provides music backgrounds.

Work sheet:

Lecture week 2 - ICT In The Curriculum

Lecture week 2 - ICT in the curriculum
The lecture discussed ICT in the curriculum. Following are some intersting points I found:
* Teachmeet - gathering of teachers in varies locations with some presentations and a chance to meet teachers in our area. A good opportunity to meet and possibly obtain the chance of employment. I have registered for the Penrith area.
* ICT - often we might be the only ones in the school and are reliant to assist. No team, makes it hard to bouns ideas.
*TAS teachers = We facilitate the students eveloping ideas and designs
* KEY is the process not the end product
* It is important to teach to ALL the students spectrum. Low to high not just the middle which is the most common and something as a teacher to be careful of practicing.



Welcome, I am currently in the 3rd year of the BA/BT Technology four year degree at Australian Catholic University located in Strathfield NSW. This EDST 441 Information & Communication Technology Curriculum and Teaching 1 unit is designed for students who will be teaching TAS at secondary schools.

An ePortfolio is required to present my professional practice using ICT. There is no stipulation on the software to use, however I decided on Edmodo as this is a tool used throughout the schooling community. As a mature age student I continue to learn (and often struggle) with technology. By using Blogger I believe the practice will be invaluable for my future.

Friday 16 March 2012

Starting Blogging on a new site

Welcome to my ePortfolio blog site. As part of my EDFD411 assessment I am to keep a blog site that I will use throughout this year. I have been using an Edmodo site, but have decided to change to Google Blogger. I was finding that through my experience of adding bloggs for the past four weeks it was not performing to my needs, quite possibly as this has been my first venture into "blogging". However I view the experience as a learning curve into ICT, one I will be encouraging with my future students. Don't be afraid to try, learn by errors and improve on the next attempt.

I will move past bloggs to this site and continue...................with success I hope!