Sunday 18 March 2012

Workshop week 2 - Resources

Workshop 2 - Resources
The workshop explored a number of various web sites that I can use for better interaction. The more sites I find out about the better and will certainly assist me. I am conscience of being a "dinosaur" when it comes to computer use and using as a tool to assit. However I see the benefits and enjoy finding out about the ideas. The interaction helps me when I am in tutorial. This new knowledge will only assist me to improve my future students.

You Tube at school:
We are encouraged to use a variety of media sources when we teach, however most schools will have the It set up so that You Tube will be prevented. To assist, if I download a video, save it onto Teachertube, then we can watch in the lesson. be sure I check the video prior, especially ads etc.

Creative Commons Australia: A web site that provides legitimate images.

Jamendo - site that provides music backgrounds.

Work sheet:

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