Sunday 18 March 2012

Lecture week 3 - Core subject 1: Projects: Design, Produce & Evaluate

Lecture 3 - Core Subject 1. Projects: Design, Produce & Evaluate

A very informative lecture that provided me with a clearer picture on the Design process. This is a very important area in my field so an area I am learning through my current studies and one I can continue to improve on especially with prac coming up.

The lecture was the introduction to our first core topic. Following are some points taken during the lecture that I found interesting.
* very funny video from the Two Ronnies on jargon. Great clip I can use and refer to.
* Slide 6 - cartoon of 4 picture depicting the design process, what was made and what the customer actually wanted. How true this is, it captures what can and does happen. I have witnessed this in business first hand.
* Students start to think outside the square. Some student will excel. The first solution is not always the one.......look at others.
*Concept Maps - the use of post it notes on butchers paper was a great idea to work through the design process and using this as a tool.
*The evaluation criteria is very important and provides large marks for senior students.
* Project Management - Milestones: is a good way to assist with keeping students on track. As a teacher I can use this tool to see how the student is progressing.
* Timelines will assist me in seeing if the student is falling behind.
*Group work - interesting point on how employers are encouraged by employees who can work in groups.
* Group management - the use of a wiki can assist a group by keeping in contact when away from school. It provides a clear indication on who is doing what. As a teacher I can see who is doing the most/least work



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